Interreg 2 Seas 3DMEd Collaboration

The EU grant will “support development and streamlined integration of 3D printing technologies to enable advanced medical treatment and its widespread application”

Key information

EU funding: € 4.10 Million
Total budget: € 6.84 Million
Duration: 36 months [October 2018 – September 2021]


3DMed aims to improve affordability and large-scale accessibility of medical treatment using 3D printed devices. 15 Partners, including top universities and innovative companies in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and the UK will join forces in an unprecedented exercise to explore the full potential of the 3D printing technology for advanced medical care.

Project Aims:

  • Enabling Streamlined care by integrating diagnosis, design and manufacturing of 3DP medical devices and post operatory evaluation into a validated software platform. This will enable reduction of lead times from 6-8 weeks currently to 6-8 days in by 2021 and to 24 hours in 2023.
  • Personalized medical devices (prostheses, implants, orthoses), designed using the images acquired for individual patients. Using 3D printing technology to produce these customised devices will also trigger a drop in the cost of the device by as much as 90%. The cost of medical treatment will also decrease by 30%.
  • Complex shapes and miniaturized geometries for implants and surgical instruments, as well as functionalised devices to enhance treatment effectiveness and post-treatment recovery.

Project Partners:

Technische Universiteit Delft (Lead Partner)  
Stichting Materials innovation institute
Universiteit Gent
Association pour la Recherche et le Développement des Méthodes et Processus Industriels
Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center (International) B.V.
Meridian Technique Limited
Amber Implants B.V.
University of Oxford
Oxford MESTAR Limited
3D LifePrints
Université de Lille
Strategisch Initiatief Materialen
Oceanz B.V .
Avroxa bvba
Régnier Orthopédie

Observer Partners:

Reinier de Graaf Groep
AZZENO/Cosmipolis Clinic
University Medical Center Utrecht
Department of Plastic Surgery, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Leiden University Medical Center
CADskills BVBA
Nelson Labs Europe N.V .
Dassault Systèmes
In4care vzw
Cousin Biotech
Blue Sparrows MedTech Finance B.V.

Contact person @ Oxford MEStar: Zoe Li